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Our Actinidia plants

Our vision
Among the first to believe in the cultivation of bare root plants in greenhouses protected from atmospheric agents to prevent bacteriosis (PSA), today Vivai Magalotti Quarto offers its customers a high-level phytosanitary guarantee. In addition to the checks by the phytosanitary service of the Emilia Romagna region, our technicians periodically take samples and carry out analyzes of the plants in specialized laboratories.
Vivai Magalotti has inaugurated the micropropagation laboratory since 2016, thus closing the circle of the production of actinidia plants.
We propagate, acclimatise, grow, one of the set goals has been achieved and today we can say that our plants are 100% Made by Magalotti.
Among the major Italian producers of kiwifruit plants, Magalotti nurseries has been addressing a professional clientele for many years who demand the highest quality.
All our kiwi plants are grown exclusively in greenhouses and with fertigation systems, in this way the plants never come into contact with the atmospheric agents.
Our nursery production derives from multi-year selections on the best meristem genetic material with the maximum varietal and phytosanitary guarantee of the Emilia Romagna Region. Cultivation and breeding take place on sterile substrates and on suitably treated and controlled soils.
Characteristics of the plants: uniformity, caliber, maturity of the wood, perfect root system, resistance to cold and active limestone.
We have 1 year old bare root plants, plants in 45 sockets and 15 sockets (pot 11) and potted plants for a long period of planting (an increasingly frequent practice).
Our offer of Actinidia plants includes:
Bare Root Female and Male Astoni (Hayward, Tomuri) in gauges from 6 to 14+
Astoni Female and Male (Hayward, Tomuri) in coconut fiber liters 6 gauges from 6 to 12+
Potted plants, height approx. 1.40 in a 2.5 liter pot
Socket with 45 holes Females and males (Hayward, Tomuri)
Socket with 15 holes (jar 11) Females and males (Hayward, Tomuri)*
Actinidia is a plant native to a valley of the Chinese Yang-tze where it grows spontaneously; belongs to the Actinidiaceae family, genus Actinidia, divided into two sections:
– Stellatae, which includes the Actinidia chinensis Pl. (= A. deliciosa A. Chev.);
– Leiocarpae, including Actinidia arguta (Sieb. and Zucc.) Pl. ex Miq.
Actinidia chinensis is a more market species, while Actinidia arguta is ornamental. It is widespread in Europe from the mid-twentieth century.
Italy is the current largest producer followed by New Zealand, Chile, USA, Japan and France. The Italian regions where this crop is most widespread are Lazio, Piedmont, Veneto and, to a lesser extent, Campania and Calabria.
It is a climbing plant and can reach 10 m.
The root system is superficial, the stem also has very long shoots bearing mixed and wood buds. The leaves are simple, deciduous, heart-shaped with a very long petiole.
It is a dioecious species with pistilliferous and staminiferous CVs, one male for every 6-8 females; flowers single or grouped in 2-3 (triple inflorescences may require a thinning of the flowers during fruit set), present starting from May; the fruit is a berry covered with down, the pulp is of a characteristic green, dotted with tiny seeds, purplish or black, arranged around a whitish heart (columella).
Pollination is entomophilous even if the flowers are not very attractive to bees and therefore the number of hives is increased; to a lesser extent also anemophilous.
Pedoclimatic limits: kiwifruit fears damage from cold and water stagnation for which drainage is essential, moreover it can present problems with soils with high active limestone, pH>7.6, and in the presence of strong winds (use of windbreaks ).
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