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From 2019 we started the meristem production of the BOUNTY71 rootstock.
The plants we sell are in different formats:
- Peat pot  13x13x18  Bounty71
- Peat pot  13x13x18  Bounty71 with grafting with Hayward  Gold 3 and other varieties.
- Coconut fiber pot 15x15x15 Bounty71 with grafting with Hayward  Gold 3 and other varieties.

- 45 Bounty socket
Contact us for more information.

What is the Bounty71 rootstock and what is it for:
The Bounty71 is a  seedling of Actinidia macrosperma of New Zealand origin used for over 15 years and used as a rootstock thanks to its resistance capacity where stagnant water and soil conditions occur.
The roots of the Bounty71 are of the taproot type and penetrate deeper into the soil as opposed to the surface-working roots of the hayward.

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