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Olivo micropropagato

Inaugurated in 2016, the Micropropagation laboratory of Vivai Magalotti has used all the most modern technologies available on the market in order to better face this new experience.
The LED lighting culture room and the latest generation laminar flow hoods are some examples of how our company believes in technology and in the improvement of the  controlled supply chain.
The need to have closed cycle production started from our Actinidia production. Since 2016, the Magalotti agricultural company has been offering its customers kiwifruit plants in a closed cycle. Our varietal selection is the result of years of research, the mother plants are kept in our nursery. Today, our company is ready to face new customer requests, with the best available technology.
Magalotti Vitro

Multiply the following plants: Actinidia Hayward and Tomuri, GF677, Myrobalan 29c, Blueberry Duke, Bluecrop, Hazel Tonda trilobata, Tonda Romana, Giffoni , Raspberry Tulameen,  Mora Lockness,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ UCB1 (Pistacia atlantica x P. integerrima), Myrobalan 29c, Garnem


Inaugurated in 2016, the Magalotti micropropagación laboratory, has applied the most modern technology available on the market with the aim of improving this new experience. The growing area of lighting in the latest generation of LED laminar flue bells are some examples of how our company creates technology and the best of controlled supply chain. The need to count with the production in a closed cycle starts from our production of Actinidia. Since 2016, the Magalotti Agrícola Society offers its customers 100% kiwifruit created by us. Our selection of varieties is the result of years of investigation. Today, our company is prepared to address the new demands of customers, with the best technology available. Magalotti Vitro We multiply the following plants : Actinidia, GF677, Mirabolano 29c, Garnem, Blueberry, blackberry, Ucb1.


Opened in 2016 , the laboratory of micropropagation Magalotti , has applied the most modern technology available on the market in order to better address this new experience . The cultivation area LED lighting in the latest generation of laminar flow hoods, are a few examples of how our company believes in technology and improvement of controlled supply chain. The need to have the production in a closed cycle is started from our production of Kiwifruit. Since 2016, the Agricultural Society Magalotti , offers its customers kiwifruit vines 100% created by us . Our varietal selection is the result of years of research. Today , our company is ready to face the new demands of customers , with the best technology available . Magalotti Vitro We multiply the following plants : Actinidia, GF677, Mirabolano 29c, Garnem, Blueberry, blackberry, Ucb1.


Ouvert en 2016, the Magalotti micropropagation laboratory , to appliqué the most modern technology available on the market , in order to respond to this new experience . La zone de culture éclairage dans la dernière génération de hottes à flux laminaire LED , sont quelques exemples de la façon dont notre société croit dans la technologie et l'amélioration de la chain d'approvisionnement contrôlée . La necessity d'avoir la production dans un cycle fermé est démarré à partir de notre production Actinidia. Depuis 2016, the Société Magalotti Agricole , offers à ses vignes de kiwis clients 100% créé par nous . Notre sélection variétale est le résultat d'années de recherche . Aujourd'hui, our company is ready to face the new needs of clients, with the best available technology. Magalotti vitro Nous multiplications les plants suivantes: Actinidia, GF677, Myrobolan 29c, Garnem, Blueberry, blackberry, Ucb1.


Inaugurated in 2016, the Magalotti micropropagação laboratory, applied to more modern technology available on the market, to better enjoy this new experience. The lighting cultivation area in the most recent generation of LED laminar output exhausts, are some examples of how our company is accredited in technology and melhoria from each controlled supply chain. The need for the production of a successful cycle is initiated from our Actinidia production. Since 2016, a Sociedade Magalotti Agrícola, oferece aos seus clientes videiras kiwis 100% created by us. Our varietal selection is the result of fish years. Now, our company is prepared to address the new demands of customers, with the best technology available. Magalotti Vitro We multiply the following plants: Actinidia, GF677, Myrobalan 29c, Garnem, Blueberry, blackberry, Ucb1.

Noce in vitro
Nocciolo in alveolo
Lavorazione sotto cappa
Kiwi alveolo 1
Lavorazione sotto cappa
Kiwi jiffy

Micropropagation is a plant propagation technique that allows to obtain a clone of the plant itself, i.e. a set of individuals with the same genetic heritage, through the use of modern methods of in vitro culture of plant cells and tissues. [1 ]

Micropropagation differs from other plant multiplication systems (cuttings, offshoots, layering, etc.) due to the sophisticated operating technique, which allows the reproduction of clones free from bacterial and viral infections; this practice also allows, starting from scarce source materials, to obtain an enormous quantity of cloned individuals.


In the multiplication phase, the small portion of plant tissue, sometimes only a single cell, is placed on a culture medium, usually containing sucrose as an energy source and cytokinins, which cause the bud to open, originating a sprout. From the axillary buds of this shoot, other shoots will develop, originating a cluster. Usually the culture medium is thickened with agar to create a gel that supports the explant as it grows.

Some plants are easily grown on simple media but others require more complicated media for growth, some media include vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The medium is sterilized during preparation to prevent contamination by fungi and bacteria, which can overgrow and smother the growing explant. Autoclaves and filtration sterilization are used to remove potential contaminants. On small scale production a pressure cooker is often used.


Stages of Micropropagation
  • Culture setup

  • Multiplication and stretching

  • Rooting

  • Acclimatization

Culture setup

Micropropagation begins with the selection of plant material to be propagated. The selection and cleanliness of plant starting materials that are free from viruses and fungi are important for the production of healthy plants. Often starter plants are tested to determine if they are clean and virus free.

Normally the starting plant material is represented by cauline explants such as apical buds and axillary buds. In the case of ornamental plants it is also possible to start from tubers and cloves. Anthers, petals, pollen and other plant tissue are also used. Once the material has been chosen, one then goes to the field and the explant of the selected plant material is taken. When explanting it is very important to evaluate:

  • The era of the explant: it should be done when the vegetative activity resumes in such a way as to have actively growing material and buds that have not undergone apical dominance.
  • Stage of development: the degree of differentiation achieved by the cells of the explant must be evaluated
  • Dimensions of the explant: In this phase, the rule applies that the smaller the explant, the less contaminated there will be. However, there is a drawback, as the smaller the size, the lower the degree of survival of the explant itself. So as far as size is concerned, a compromise between these two aspects must be sought.




It is the stage in which there is the induction and development of adventitious roots at the base of the shoot. Root formation can be facilitated by the use of a culture medium with reduced quantities of mineral salts and sugars, scarcity or absence of cytokinins and especially auxins in concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 10 ppm. The most commonly used auxins are IBA (indolebutyric acid) and IAA (indole-3-acetic acid). This phase has an extremely variable duration, in the model species it lasts on average from 3 to 5 weeks, in the recalcitrant ones it instead has a decidedly longer duration.

If a good root system has developed, the seedling is ready for the acclimatization phase and can be transferred to the ground. This phase begins with the transfer of the seedling from the in vitro to the in vivo environment, in pots with peat and perlite, which guarantee good water retention. Acclimatization is a very delicate phase, as the seedling passes from heterotrophy to autotrophy. The evolution towards autotrophy takes place through a reduction in humidity, an increase in the intensity of the light. In the 2-4 weeks required for acclimatization, the seedlings produce new leaves, more suited to the new environment. The next steps involve cultivation in greenhouses and in open fields.

Via Stradone Sala 257
47042 Hall of Cesenatico (FC)
Mobile: +39.389.88.91.334  +39.320.90.23.537  +39.334.50.36.155
Tel/fax: +39.0547.311633
VAT number: 03184800401
Ruop: 2450


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